
When To Arrive For Your Appt.

You call or email for an appointment... The day arrives, the time creeps up and you show up for our 4pm massage. Where is the clock? Are you on time? Do you need to prepare? Will you need to fill out paperwork?

If it is your first visit, please arrive at the very least 5 minutes prior to your appt time to fill out paperwork. This includes your health history, some contact info, and a review of my late/cancellation policy. You may even want to show up more than 5 minutes early to use the restroom etc.

If you have seen me before, please still arrive about 5 minutes prior to your appt.

I do prefer to begin the actual massage at the appointment time. So if you have a 4 pm appointment, please show up at least 3:55pm. This gives you enough time to use the restroom, get some water, and for us to chat about what your goals are and how we will accomplish them. There are times when I run a bit late and that will of course not reflect in your massage time. Every single massage had buffer time booked into it. This way I can chat with you about ergonomics, stretching, thoroughly understand what is going on with your body, or just what is new with you.

Point being: If you are a new client and show up exactly at your appt time or later, this will reflect in you time on the massage table. If you are a repeat client, please do not come late. :)

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