
Pain Series: Part 2 of 6

Is it normal to feel pain during a massage? Yes and no. You have all heard me talk about "Exquisite Pain". This is when I am working out a trigger point and it hurts, but feels really good at the same time. You know that after a moment or 2 of discomfort the muscle will loosen and you will feel much better. During a deep tissue massage and working on trouble shooting specific muscular issues you will experience a certain level of discomfort. It is up to you to let me know if it is too much. You need to listen to your body and then tell me when the pressure is too deep, or of course, not deep enough. On occasion, certain positions while laying on the table can be uncomfortbale. You should not be in pain from simply laying there because of the table set up. Let me know immediately so I can adjust the face cradle, bolster, etc.