Sometimes I wonder if my clients feel like teenagers. I have a lecture prepared for everything... whether it's about the importance of hydrating, stretching, posture, or exercising. It is for your own good. Wait, did I say that to a client or was that a flashback from my youth?? I tell you these things because I want you to free your muscles and free your life. Think about how nice life would be if you didn't wake up with a stiff neck or back, if you could run that extra mile, or you could spend longer outside planting flowers with your kids??? Massage only gives you the jump start into the right direction. It is then up to you focus and adjust your self care to really prevent the muscles from tightening up in the first place.
One way you can do this is to take a look at the ergonomics in your life. Having something set up ergonomically correct supports you maintaining proper posture and, in turn, using your body in a way it was designed to function. The reason I decided to take classes on how to advise clients with this, is that I can give sound advice. Instead of just showing you how to sit, I can now give sound and numerically ways to adjust your station. I am sure you read in my last newsletter that I pair this service with massages. It is not a money-making gimmick. It is because I genuinely care about each and every client and want each and everyone of them to eventually not need me. Yes, I want you all to keep seeing me, but I strive those visits to turn into something that you want to do for maintanance and general healthcare. Not because you are in pain and discomfort or cannot move. Since most of us spend a huge portion of our lives at the computer (myself included) I thought it was the perfect way to really be able to assist you in your journey to wellness.
So please, if you are interested in chaning your lot, try my service out! I promise I won't lecture or judge. I will simply list the adjustments to make and how to achieve them.