

Along with a health intake, every new client signs a sheet listing my policies. It's posted on my website as well as framed in my office. Some of the policies I am quite strict, and some not so much. I fully support the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done to you. I have specific policies so you know where I stand. Yes, I expect you to be on time and call in advance if you have a scheduling conflict, but you can also expect me to be there for you. I am always on time for you and you can depend on that. I thought I would go into each one explaining my reasoning for them and why they are so important.

Time - My policy is that if you are late, there may be an adjustment in time without an adjustment in payment. I am making a commitment to you by guaranteeing your appointment time and refusing all other requests once you have made the appointment. I appreciate your respect of my valuable time which has been saved just for you. Not only do you pay for my service, you are paying for my time. I am there to create a place just for you during that time. It takes time to do that, and it takes time to make sure you are properly educated in what is going on with your body and to answer all of your questions. My time is just as valuable as yours. Just as you expect me to be there for you at the time of your appt, I expect you to be there as well. If your appt. is at 3:30pm, I would ideally like you at my office a few moments prior to 3:30 so that you are on the table only a few minutes after 3:30. Of course, there are always exceptions and I do make them on occasion. It also depends on how late you are and if anyone is after you. If you are 5-15 minutes late and I have a break after you, no big deal, you'll most likely get the full amount of time. If you are later than 15 minutes, I won't give you any extra time on matter of principle. Also, if someone is right after you, it's not fair to make them late.

Cancelling an Appt - Please call me on my cell phone if you have to reschedule. I don't always have the opportunity to check my email during the day and my cell is not always reliable with keeping up. I know that sometimes you cannot make an appt. or you have to cancel. I do require at least 24 hours notice otherwise a 30% fee is charged. This is b/c I usually have a waiting list every day and if you cancel at the last minute, not only do I lose a portion of my salary for that day, but most importantly, someone else could be getting the care that they need. Again, exceptions are very occasionally made, but please call me as soon as you know and we will work it out. If I have time to fill the slot there will of course be no penalty. If you cannot make your appt. at the last minute, is there a friend or coworker that may benefit from the session? Have them take your place!

These policies may seem a bit strict, but I think it is important to be on the same page and have a mutual respect. I do have certian expectations of my clients, but you can have those same expectations of me. If I am sick I will get in touch the very moment I know it is too much to be able to work on someone.

You can always depend on me to be on time and waiting for you with a smile.