Too often, a client announces that they have not done anything strenuous, or have laxed with their workouts and end up feeling guilty coming for a massage. OR they are in no pain or discomfort and are not sure why they are on my table. This massage guilt that they bring up actually makes me happy. If the client expresses that they do not have anything in particular to work on, this makes me believe that they actually listen to me and just might be implementing some of the adjustments I recommend.
Massage is an excellent way to assist in eradicating your aches and pains. It is also a wonderful tool in healthy body maintenance! If you come in with pain, it is too late and we both have to work extra hard to make you feel better. If you are already feeling great, then your tightness is much more manageable and we can then prevent it from getting to a point where it interferes with your life.
I understand that some like to use their massage sessions as part of a reward system for working out, meeting with a trainer, getting work done, etc. If you feel guilty getting the massage but not working out, think about this: Massage is the next best thing to working out. It aids in circulation of blood and lymph and helps remove the metabolic waste just as if you worked out. If you didn't finish that project, but you still came to your session, no worries. Massage has a number of psychologically boosting benefits. Chair massage in the workplace has had numerous studies showing that massage increases productiveness, alertness, motivation, etc. So after you get the massage and chill for a bit, you may be ready to tackle that project even better than before!
So please, don't ever feel guilty about coming in to see me. Your body and mind will greatly benefit from the session one way or another.