
Have a cold? Cancel your appt. & call me in the morning.

If you have a cold, are sick, just had a vaccination, or have an infection of any kind, please cancel your appointment!!

Regular massages can have a dramatic affect on the body and it's functions. Primarily, your circulatory system is going to get a boost during the massage and after. If you have any of the above, the massage could exacerbate it. So if you walk in my office feeling kinda crappy, you may wake up the next morning feeling much worse. This is the main reason why I will not work on you. Even if you decide you are OK with this type of reaction, morally I will not do that. Two other good reasons for you to stay at home; 1. I do not want the germs spreading to me nor my clients. 2. You will most likely not be comfortable or enjoy your massage anyways.

Easy reference checklist. If any of the below apply, please cancel your massage appt.:
~ taking antibiotics
~ cannot breathe through your nose
~ cannot stop coughing
~ you have a fever or a virus reducing your body temperature below normal
~ received a vaccination the day of appt.
~ any flu-like symptoms

So for you health, please stay home and rest.