It's hard to believe that with all of the research, people still smoke. Then again, I still consume my ice cream sundaes on a regular basis, and my thighs definitely prove the research on trans-fat and high glucose corn syrup.
We all have our vices that we know are bad, but need to continue anyways. I would never tell you what to put in your body, nor judge you on it. That is, just as long as it does not effect me or my practice. I hold every one of you with the highest esteem. When you are in my room, you are the only I thing I care about at that time. I do my best to come up with ways to make your massage session not only therapeutic, but also a relaxing retreat.
To ensure the best experience for all, please do not smoke or drink before your session. No cocktails with lunch or dinner and please no smoking within an hour of your appointment. Smokers and drinkers (even just one recent glass of wine) exude a smell. The chemicals from the substance comes out thru the pores and fills the room. Since I am a non-smoker, I really do not want to spend the next hour in a room that smells like we sat down and shared a smoke. Nor do I want the next client to think I am a smoker or attempt to relax in a room that smells of stale alcohol or cigarettes. Plus, massing someone under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal.
So enjoy life and by all means, enjoy your vices; but please don't share them with me. :)
Phalange (finger) Forum is a place to learn about what goes on in a therapeutic massage session. My goal is to asnwer questions that every client thinks of, but never gets around to asking.
TMJ, Temporomandubular Joint Disorder. SO many people suffer from TMJ pain and have no idea what actually causes it! The most common cause of TMJ discomfort is from grinding and clenching the teeth. This is most commonly done at night while we sleep, but can also occur throughout the day when we are stressed. One of the most popular treatments is the purchase of a mouthguard from one's dentist. This apparatus is extremely important on many levels. First of all, it protects the enamal of your teeth. With constant grinding and clenching, the tooth itself can wear aware quite fast; leading to tooth loss, nerve damage, etc. Second, the mouthguard helps to reduce the habit. Our brain gets a feeling of satisfaction from feeling the 2 layers of teeth together. This is why this behavior increases during times of stress. The mouthguard places a layer of material between the teeth so that brain cannot get that stress relief it is looking for. Over time, our brain will find another outlet. I know they are expensive, but it is worth it. I wear a mouthguard and can feel a major difference if I skip a few nights. I have tried the ones from a regular drugstore and there is no comparison. I chewed right thru it within a few days. I have had my current mouthguard for 5 years now.
So what does a massage therapist have to do with a disorder that effects the teeth? Plenty!! if you suffer from this, you know about the headaches and neck pain. off the top of my head the list of muscles TMJ effects are the temporalis, masseters, pterygoid group, sternocliedomastoid, scalenes, splenius group, occipitals, etc. The referral pain from these muscles can lead to various types of headaches, neck pain, muscle stiffness, clicking and popping of the jaw, tinnitus (ear ringing), mock sinus infections, dizziness, blurred vision, etc. Trigger point work in the superior shoulder, neck, scalp, and face can make a world of difference if you suffer from TMJ. It helps to reduce the pain and over time, eradicate it.
Some other tips to help alleviate the pain is in prevention. It helps to not chew gum, avoid chewy dough (like on thick pizzas or hoagies), nail biting, etc.
Check out this blog to learn some TMJ self massage. The video is pretty good. I recommend NOT opening and closing your mouth during the massage like the therapist says.
So what does a massage therapist have to do with a disorder that effects the teeth? Plenty!! if you suffer from this, you know about the headaches and neck pain. off the top of my head the list of muscles TMJ effects are the temporalis, masseters, pterygoid group, sternocliedomastoid, scalenes, splenius group, occipitals, etc. The referral pain from these muscles can lead to various types of headaches, neck pain, muscle stiffness, clicking and popping of the jaw, tinnitus (ear ringing), mock sinus infections, dizziness, blurred vision, etc. Trigger point work in the superior shoulder, neck, scalp, and face can make a world of difference if you suffer from TMJ. It helps to reduce the pain and over time, eradicate it.
Some other tips to help alleviate the pain is in prevention. It helps to not chew gum, avoid chewy dough (like on thick pizzas or hoagies), nail biting, etc.
Check out this blog to learn some TMJ self massage. The video is pretty good. I recommend NOT opening and closing your mouth during the massage like the therapist says.
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