
Psychological Benefits

Massage has some interesting psychological effects. The obvious is stress reduction. Massage promotes relaxation, deeper sleep, and provides a place for people to let go and not do anything. Regular massage makes people pay more attention to their bodies and therefor practicing better health. This in turn makes us feel more youthful and better energized. This awareness also helps one recognize muscular issues before they normally would. Being able to address this and take care of it gives people a more responsible and empowered view of their health. Especially if they listen to my lectures!! ;) Massage has also been proven to improve self-esteem and body image. Many doctors refer patients who are recovering addicts and those with eating disorders so that they may get used to feeling good in their bodies. Also, psychiatrists sometimes send abuse and trauma survivors to a massage therapist in order to feel what safe touch is again.

I am sure you have heard of companies providing chair massage for their employees... Besides the obvious reduction in workplace injuries, massage has been proven to reduce fatigue, anxiety, and absenteeism. It also has been proven to increase productivity, problem solving skills, alertness, speed, accuracy, and job satisfaction. No wonder most of the fortune 500 companies provide massage for their employees!

Other than the above, massage can make people feel invigorated, energetic, relaxed, happier, peaceful, and healthier. What more could you ask for?