

My upcoming newsletter is on sleep. I have always been a strong advocate on sleeping and slothing when appropriate. This is why I love Sundays; I never feel guilty about laying around and being lazy. Of course the definition of lazy is different when you are running around after a baby and trying to loose 5 pounds/month. Nonetheless, I find a way. ;) The medical field suggests everyone should get about 8-9 hours of sleep per night. Though my husband lives happily on 6-7. I know many people that survive on much less. I say survive, b/c our bodies really need sleep to function properly. I myself need at least 8 hours to feel normal. 9 hours and I feel like Snow White waking up to the animals singing in the forest. Do I get my 8 hours? Yes. I make it a priority. I am more of a morning person so my productivity level at night is zero. I know that I will be running on empty for a good part of the day if I don't get 8 hours so I make it happen. If I go to bed on time, I can wake up naturally on my own, feel good, and am ready to tackle the day. And I do! If I get 30 minutes less, forget it. I am pretty useless. I owe it to myself, my family, and my clients to get the right amount of sleep so I can function at my highest ability. Another reason sleep is so important to me..... I am allergic to caffeine.