Have you ever looked up or to the side at me while receiving a massage and noticed I had a peculiar expression?? There are 3 possibilities:
1. Breathing. I have always despised it when a massage therapist breathes on me. So if I am working on or near your head, I am directing my breather so the exhalation does not go into your face.
2. I am holding in a sneeze. Over the years I have learned how to hold in a sneeze. It works 100% of the time, but the process causes me to make a very strange face.
3. My nose tickles/itches. I obviously cannot touch my face during the massage for multiple reasons, but sometimes I simply cannot ignore that stubborn itch on my cheek or nose. Hence the silly expression.
Next time you see me making an odd expression, know there is nothing wrong, I am simply trying to make your massage the best one ever!