
Insurance & Massage

Insurance companies have been covering massages for quite awhile now. Some of them cover the full cost, some partial. Some need a Dr.'s a note saying that you need them and some you can just pay out of your pre-tax account. Either way, this is always good news. To some of your dismay I do not accept insurance. I will provide you with a receipt, and excel chart of your appts, and/or a write up of the work we did, anything for you to be able to get reimbursed. Why don't I just accept your insurance and be done with it? My dad is a dentist and I grew up listening to him and all of his friends gripe about the insurance companies. Problems such as cost and care control or the driving factors. I cant have someone telling me I can only provide a 15 minute massage for someone that needs a full hour etc. I went into private practice for a multitude of reasons, a top one being control issues. I love what I do for a living and I prefer to do it all on my own terms. One simply cannot do that when they are chained to an insurance company. It may be a slight pain in the rear for you, but in the end you really get the most benefit in the current scenario.

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