Phalange (finger) Forum is a place to learn about what goes on in a therapeutic massage session. My goal is to asnwer questions that every client thinks of, but never gets around to asking.
Massage and My Baby
Do I take medication?
During allergy season... I certainly will take a decongestant. Do you really want to hear me sniffling throughout your massage??
How long should I schedule for?
30 Minute Massage - 30 minutes is only enough time to work on one muscle group. Have a kink in your neck? Did your hamstrings pull out your low back? This length session is good for working out a specific muscle problem in one grouping of muscles. Or... if you simply want to relax and don't want too much deep work done, I can do your whole back or multiple muscle groups.
60 Minute Massage - This is the most popular length session. I can do a full body massage and focus on a few specific muscular issues. Or I can spend the hour in one area and be real specific and get real deep in with the massage work. For example - I often will work on clients' back, shoulders, arms and neck only for the full hour if they sit at a desk and need a lot of therapeutic work done.
75 Minute Massage - 75 minutes is good if 60 minutes is not quite enough. I have time to do more specific work on more muscle groups, or I can so something like the example above then work on your hips and legs real quick with deeper Swedish techniques.
90 Minute Massage - 90 minutes is good if you have a laundry list you want me to work on. especially if they are larger muscle groups. For instance, you are a runner and sit at the computer all day. You will most likely need extra deep work on multiple larger muscle groups. Nothing less than 90 minutes will do.
How did I become a MT?
I went to the University of Pittsburgh to study forensic psychology in hopes if becoming an FBI profiler. Yes, it's a bit of a different vocation. Pitt has wonderful opportunities for every student and I worked on various research projects (working with juvenile sex offenders) as well as many interesting internships (city police department, homicide detectives, etc) While this was all very interesting and educational, I also learned that I would most likely not be happy in this profession. I had already seen too much and had answered all of my questions regarding my professional curiosities.
I was thinking of going on to become a chiropractor, but let's face it. After 4 years of college I was not looking forward to 4 more. So I decided to go into massage therapy school, get into the field and go from there. At least I was doing something with my life! Well, 7 years later.... I love what I do. I love going to work every day. I love taking continuing education courses to add to my specialities. Most of all... I love my boss!
I am just like you!
Befriend me on Facebook and follow me thru my journey back to me.
Do I run?? No. I wish I could..... I am quite the clutz and have sprained both my ankles and have broken some bones in my feet over the years. This results in me getting shin splints way too easily. I even get them if I have to drive in rush hour too much in a week's time. I have attempted to strengthen my calves and started to train, but to no avail. I prefer more goal oriented sports anyways. Yes, I am aware that running does have very concrete goals. However, you will not find me running a couple of miles unless a hooded man with a knife is after me.
To See or Not To See
Silly Faces
1. Breathing. I have always despised it when a massage therapist breathes on me. So if I am working on or near your head, I am directing my breather so the exhalation does not go into your face.
2. I am holding in a sneeze. Over the years I have learned how to hold in a sneeze. It works 100% of the time, but the process causes me to make a very strange face.
3. My nose tickles/itches. I obviously cannot touch my face during the massage for multiple reasons, but sometimes I simply cannot ignore that stubborn itch on my cheek or nose. Hence the silly expression.
Next time you see me making an odd expression, know there is nothing wrong, I am simply trying to make your massage the best one ever!
Yabba Dabba Do
Rate Increase
I have recently moved my office to a new location with many new amenities. This is NOT the reason for the rate increase. I just thought that with a fresh a start this would be a good time to do it. Looking in the past, I have not raised my rates in 4 years so we are due.
I appreciate your business and really do love working with you in maintaining your healthful life!
Isn't it Ironic
If you have sciatic type pain from these tight muscles, you can prevent by avoiding prolonged standing or leaning, not sitting on a thick wallet, making sure you are properly warmed up for sports events and especially walking uphill as well as stretching your hip out afterwards, proper foot support, and using cruise control on your car when appropriate.
Plantar Fasciitis
For those that have suffered from this condition know that it is quite painful and seems to take forever to heal, but there are a few things that you can do to avoid it:
- Avoid walking in barefeet (In shoe-less households try having house-shoes or wearing slippers)
- Make sure you have appropriate support in your footwear.
- Wear orthotics if necessary
- When standing for long periods, take a break and stretch and sit with your feet up.
- Have someone you live with massage your feet at the end of the day.
If you think you have plantar fasciitis, make an appt. with your doctor so that you can start to heal as quickly as possible. Your recovery might include new shoes, orthotics, stretches, exercises, massage, anti-inflammatories, and/or a special boot from your Dr. it is very important to treat this as soon as possible as it can get worse and start to effect the rest of your body. If your foundation is off, it is going to reverberate up your whole body and effect the muscles in your legs, hips and back.
Massage can tremendously help to alleviate the pain and discomfort of plantar fasciitis. During the day (and while you sleep) fluid builds up in your feet. Massage geared towards this condition will assist the body in circulating the fluids back up as well stretching the fascia, tendons and ligaments. With your feet in pain, you are most likely walking differently. This is going to effect the muscles all the way up to your back. To prevent or troubleshoot this chain reaction, a deep tissue massage is your best bet.
Yoga and Self-Care Stretching
Common Thread
I obviously cannot stress this point enough. The body is a very intricately designed piece of machinery whose parts were made to function in a certain way. When we use them incorrectly, the parts do not work as well and will end up having some signs of wear and tear. I am clearly an advocate of prevention and good health so I try to always emphasize that you have the power and responsibility to avoid many everyday muscular injuries. One might say it is adventagous of me to keep proclaiming this, after all, don't I want people to be in pain so they will make more appts?? No; I see myself as a medical health professional so I want and strive for you to be well. I see myself as a coach. I am here for support and to help guide you in your health, and when that is not enough I can troubleshoot the problem for you so you are 3 steps ahead than where you were before.
Insurance & Massage
Winter Sports
OK, so let's bring this around to your body and massage. Think of all the other winter pastimes: sledding, skiing, even shoveling. These are all body intensive activities. it is truly imperative that you treat all of these as workouts. You must warm-up, stretch, and make sure you are using proper form. Not only are your muscles working hard to perform the action, but you also have to add the element of keeping balanced, trying to see etc. Without recognizing these are workouts, you could put yourself in a position where you wake up the next day sore and in a lot of pain. To make sure you remain well and can get up early the next day for something else fun, treat these winter activities as workouts. Warm up and stretch with winter sports. Stretching does not include lifting a glass of hot cocoa or Irish coffee, so make sure you get it in before. When performing a snowy clean-up task, remember to warm-up and lift from your legs. If you keep bending over with all the weight of the snow you will most likely hurt your back. Lift with your legs and not only will you avoid the later pain, but you will get an amazing leg and glute workout in the meantime!
Ice & Your Low Back
When we are walking our muscles are functioning in a certain way to provide you with that bipedal action. If we slip on the ice, snow or slush, these muscles are jerked in one direction or another quite quickly. It is not to the degree of a whiplash, but enough of a stretch for a comparison.
So be careful when walking in the winter. Try to wear boots of some sort to keep you stable. if you do fall or slip and are i n pain, of course call me and we can work that out. ;)
Maternity Leave
April - I will be back to work on Saturdays from 8am-5pm
May - Along with Saturdays, I am adding my Monday and Thursday evenings where I will be seeing clients in the 5:20, 6:40 and 8pm appt. slots.
June - I plan on being back to on full schedule with Mondays and Thursdays from 9-9 and Saturdays 8-5.
This is the plan. I really love what I do and take a lot of pride in the practice I have developed. I do plan on sticking with this return-to-work schedule.
Thank you for understanding and I look forward to seeing you soon!