
My Apologies

My job revolves around making people feel better. Clients tell me they look forward to seeing me all day, all week in fact! There is no way anyone can get upset with me..... Of course there is! 1. Some new clients get lost and they do not call to ask where I am until they are already over half an hour late for their appt. They get upset when I do not answer at that point or when I cannot give them the full session time. 2. I don't go deep enough. In my pain series I discussed about pain perception and when nothing is deep enough. 3. People get annoyed when their pain or discomfort is not 100% eradicated after 1 60 minute massage. 4. Sometimes clients schedule an appt. then place it on the wrong day in their digital device. They then get annoyed at me when I do not have an opening for over a week to come back in. The list goes on, but the reactions from clients range from deep sighs to out right yelling at me. Perhaps I am not a good match for them....

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