
Weeds are not the only pain in the butt

Whether you consider yourself a master gardener or just occasionally pull weeds, tending to any size garden is hard work. I am a gardener myself and I know how hard it can be on the body. I have 3 large flower gardens and 1 vegetable garden, and I am exhausted by the time I am done doing whatever. If you plan on spending a long period of time out in the gardens, try purchasing a garden stool to give yourself a break. You can also purchase gardening pads to kneel on if you have knee issues. Try squatting here and there to give your back a break. Not only will it relax the low back muscles, but you will get a good core and thigh workout in. Tools are important as well. Make sure you have the right tools for the right job as well as an appropriate sized shovel for what you are doing. This way you are working smarter not harder. And of course..... warm up, stretch, protect yourself from the sun and stay hydrated!