
How did I become a MT?

When did I become a massage therapist? After college.

I went to the University of Pittsburgh to study forensic psychology in hopes if becoming an FBI profiler. Yes, it's a bit of a different vocation. Pitt has wonderful opportunities for every student and I worked on various research projects (working with juvenile sex offenders) as well as many interesting internships (city police department, homicide detectives, etc) While this was all very interesting and educational, I also learned that I would most likely not be happy in this profession. I had already seen too much and had answered all of my questions regarding my professional curiosities.

I was thinking of going on to become a chiropractor, but let's face it. After 4 years of college I was not looking forward to 4 more. So I decided to go into massage therapy school, get into the field and go from there. At least I was doing something with my life! Well, 7 years later.... I love what I do. I love going to work every day. I love taking continuing education courses to add to my specialities. Most of all... I love my boss!

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