
Ice & Your Low Back

There are multiple muscles that are used in keeping balance; spinalis group, quadratus lombardum, gluteus group, IT etc. These are just the major and larger muscles that assist in this action. All of these large muscles also have a few common boney attachments which leads to a lot of pulling and tugging in the same area in different directions. This can lead to a lot of lower back pain and discomfort.

When we are walking our muscles are functioning in a certain way to provide you with that bipedal action. If we slip on the ice, snow or slush, these muscles are jerked in one direction or another quite quickly. It is not to the degree of a whiplash, but enough of a stretch for a comparison.

So be careful when walking in the winter. Try to wear boots of some sort to keep you stable. if you do fall or slip and are i n pain, of course call me and we can work that out. ;)

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